
Algorithmic Trading Survey 2024

Consistency is Key

This week, The TRADE published the results of their 2024 Algorithmic Trading Survey, ranking Redburn Atlantic best performer in the Execution Consistency category and very highly rated in Customisation and Customer Support, two areas that Redburn Atlantic have invested heavily in over the last few years and areas we see as key to our business.

Andrew Quick, Global Head of Execution Services, said “A big thank you to all of our clients who took the time to vote for us in this year’s Algorithmic Trading Survey in the Trade. We know that consistency is key when selecting trading partners and are very proud to have been recognised by our clients in this space”.

The survey breaks down results between Long Only and Hedge Fund contributors. Within these categories, Redburn Atlantic were Top 3 ranked for Algo Monitoring, Ease of Use, Customisation, Dark Pool Access, Order Routing Logic and Sophistication of SOR by Long Only responders and Customer Support, Execution Consistency, Cost, Anonymity and Price Improvement by Hedge Funds.

Ian Cannacott, head of Electronic Execution added “Our clients are looking at more than just benchmark performance. As well as cutting edge technology it’s important that their brokers have the skills and expertise to effectively monitor their flow and support their trading”.

“We believe that an algo trading desk should add value to the clients, whether that’s through sophisticated routing, providing market insight or helping to customise the strategies to clients’ individual needs”

This recognition continues Redburn Atlantic’s ongoing success at the Leaders in Trading Annual Awards where we have won Best Trading Performance (2021), Best Access to Market (2022) and Best Client Service (2023).